Farewell to summer here in London. It's been a fabulous welcome to the city, filled with sunshine and clear skies. One last hurrah, Mr. Sun? Please? Woke up today to a dreary grey sky. I tried to shirk my run, but got a bit motivated when a friend told me that I just needed to go for it, and “jump in with the London weather.” Sitting around at home studying the weather maps was not going to do me any good. London just rains when it wants to. No regard to the predictions.
Then, there was a slight break in the rain. I strapped on my shoes and left. But not more than 15 steps into my run, I started to feel the drops fall from the sky. And it just kept raining. I kept telling myself that I always get good karma when I go for a run. Stay positive! And today was no different .... I found myself running right past St. John Restaurant. Wait! Here's the good karma! I turned around, and today, lucky lucky me, St. John had a salted caramel custard filled doughnut right at the counter. Nothin' wrong with taking a break during a run.
London has been full of pleasant surprises and smiles for me. And here's a brief recap of what’s been going on these past few weeks:
1. I'm a barista! Come and visit me at The Espresso Room. I’m a bit short, and the espresso machines and grinders are a bit large, so you may need to look around to spot me pulling the shots. I'm also going to be managing the food consumables sold at the shop. And by the way, those delicious things in the picture below? Brûléed custard tarts.
2. Discovered that there is a city farm only 15 minutes away, meaning there are chickens and fresh herbs and plants growing just down the street.
3. Even better, I have my own basil plant now. Feeling homey here.
4. The Vanilla Extract with London Dry Gin that I started in May turned out amazing, after sitting in the cupboard for many weeks. I've been adding it to everything. Even my oatmeal and coffee. And pancakes and whipped cream.
5. I went to high tea at Sanderson Hotel and nearly ate this entire tray of goodies!
6. Lastly, I now have a stamp for the Worktop. Be ready for some over-stamping on everything.
Six weeks after leaving LA, London is starting to feel like home.
Daniel says
Stamp Stamp STAMP.
Send me a postcard with your stamp on it!
L.E. Chan says
Tina, this is such a fun post! I need to share an update about your vanilla extract too...from four years ago! The little bottle that you gave me continues to live on. I dutifully add more vodka to the extract each time the level drops by about a quarter and add a new split vanilla bean every year. It is one of my favorite things in my kitchen cupboard! Thanks for introducing me to it.
P.S. Loving your blog!
Tina Jui says
Hi! I'm so happy to hear that your vanilla extract is getting so much tender love. I left mine with my mom in LA when I moved. We no longer have sister batches born of the same vodka :( I'll have to get you a vanilla extract in London gin soon. You'd love it! And for you, I think I would throw in some lavender too. Lavender vanilla extract in gin. Ahhh!
Allie | Baking A Moment says
Ha! I love that you ate a donut in the middle of your run! Everything in balance, right? Such pretty pics, Tina, and congrats on the new job! Hope the weather breaks for you; we're having cloudy skies and soupy humidity here in Philly... :)
Tina Jui says
Thanks so much! And yes, inspiration for running = donuts along the way. Always keeps me going. I hope the humidity clears up over there -- i absolutely love fall weather (scarves, boots!), so hope you get some of that soon :)
Nikki says
Tina! So glad that London is starting to feel like home and WELL DONE on getting out into that weather. I still battle. So lovely to meet you on Friday and looking forward to reading more on your food musings.
Tina Jui says
Hi Nikki. It was great to meet on Friday. Thanks for getting me out to a new coffee shop!
Michelle says
Christina, you've inspired me to make a bottle of vanilla extract with some old Belvedere I found in the cupboard... More of these useful home made tips and tricks please!
Tina Jui says
Awesome! I actually have a mini collection at home I haven't posted about. I bought those tiny bottles of alcohol, and put a vanilla bean in whisky, rum, cognac and vodka. It makes a really cute kitchen decoration so I haven't wanted to use any of them yet. Let me know how the Belvedere turns out. Start the count down for it.
Rachel says
Glad you are starting to feel a bit more comfortable here, and good luck with the rain! And if city farm is only 15 mins away, you must be living near-ish to where I'm moving next week - we must meet up sometime, and those custard tastes look amazing, by the way! And a basil plant is going to be one of my first purchases in the new place, too!. My Mother and I always have a massive one in her kitchen at my parents house I use all the time, but my one in Los Angeles always died because we did not good enough sunlight through the kitchen window from the courtyard in our building :(
Tina Jui says
Oh, please come by and have a custard tart! Just let me know when you do, since I'm not in every day. And I just realized that basils needed so much sun. Mine was looking a little sad, but after I moved it to the window sill, it became so much fuller. Hope there's enough sun through the winter for it!
Priscilla says
Loved this post! Excited to see even more of your London adventures <3
Tina Jui says
Thanks, Priscilla. Come on over and visit sometime!